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Situational Leadership

Manage and lead different people in your team with powerful results using Situational Leadership

The most successful leaders are those who adapt their leadership style.
Our situational leadership training focuses on the situational leadership model & theory, giving examples and practice on how to use it. 

Who for? 

Everyone responsible for a team (managers, supervisors, coordinators, directors) wanting to develop their management and leadership skills further. 

Anyone wanting to influence others to lead through change and achieve organizational goals.


At the end of this training you will be able to:

  • Explore and understand own preferred leadership style
  • Use situational leadership styles to manage and develop people in a team
  • Understand the advantages of using Situational Leadership for managing and leading people
  • Make appropriate leadership choices and decisions in response to the needs of each person and the situation.

Exploring your leadership

  • Situational Leadership model and styles
  • Assess your preferred leadership style and characteristics
  • Impact of your preferred leadership style on others

Leadership styles and options

  • Advantages of the Situational Leadership model 
  • Avoiding over-supervision and under-supervision: when to use which style
  • Practice, practice, practice… How and when to use each style

Increase your leadership effectiveness

  • Setting goals and providing clear direction
  • Influence and communication: listening, monitoring and providing feedback
  • Being approachable and proactive to individual development needs using the Hersey Blanchard model
  • My personal leadership plan.

Managing different personalities at work is difficult, yet it is also part of your job as a manager.
The Situational Leadership model from Hersey and Blanchard is an effective framework for managers and leaders to match their behaviour with the performance needs of team members.
This training on Situational Leadership will help you manage the different people in your team and ensure they feel supported and motivated.
This training is hands-on practice.
You’ll learn to work on this model by working through real-life scenarios in each session.

Situational Leadership

Manage and lead different people in your team with powerful results 

We will never share your information with others

using Situational Leadership

Here I go!!

Thank you!