Elearning, Learning and development, Learning technology
How to use social learning to enhance your online learning programs
You have probably heard about social learning, right? But have you been using social learning to enhance your online learning programs?
In this article I am sharing how you can improve your online learning programs and training thanks to social learning and ensure your learning initiatives are memorable and impactful.
Social learning = 20%
The 70-20-10 model highlights that nearly 20% of our learning happens from working in collaboration with others (through interactions, feedback, observation and working directly with our co-workers). The model states that learning should come from a variety of sources using a 70-20-10 ratio:– 70% from challenging assignments: Experiential learning – 20% from developmental relationships: Social learning – 10% from coursework and training: Formal training

Social Learning theory from Bandura highlights the value of social learning when describing ‘Man’s capacity to learn by observation enables him to acquire large, integrated units of behaviour without gradual (…) and tedious trial and error’. Learning with others can therefore be a shortcut to quicker proficiency and knowledge.
Despite the social component being one of the most recognised sources of learning, we still struggle to include it in training programs, especially when delivering training in eLearning/ online learning format.
How can you embrace social learning in your online learning programs:
– Create forums and discussion groups in your online learning
– Include assignments that include receiving feedback from peers, manager or trainer
– Add activities that foster consultation of others (seeking advice, asking opinions, etc)
– Request people to pair and submit assignments together
– Create online mentoring and coaching
– Run Learn and Lunch sessions via webinars
Chameleon Webinars Chameleon Webinars 1
– Create internal teams/networks (virtual or in-person) around topics of interest
– Relate content of training to professional blogs and wikis
– Facilitate group discussions using web-conferencing
– Use Pinterest to find new information via pictures
– Include discussion and debate activities as part of curriculum
– Encourage learners to create and share own content
– Use game-based learning (create team missions where they earn points and badges)
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– Use simulations and interactive videos with scoring of reactions to emergency situations (making it a healthy competition for your staff
– Use Video and video channels (such as youtube) for employee learning
– Use Virtual reality learning (VR) to prepare staff for compliance: training them as a group
– Live sessions with trainers and team members
– Engage learners with questionnaires and surveys
And there you go! Here are some ideas of activities to include in your online/ eLearning training programs. The 70/20/10 model brings out that the learning process clearly benefits when there is a good mix of sources of learning. Usually we tend to focus more on the formal part of learning, yet this only accounts for 10% of the learning. We need to focus more attention on the other sources of learning, such as the 20% part which regards social learning. We hope you enjoyed this blog post on how to use social learning to enhance your online learning programs. Now we want to hear from you: which are you using already? And which are you looking to include next?
Let us know by leaving a quick comment.