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Crucial Conversations                                      

Learn to turn difficult conversations at work into great conversations that lead to powerful results

Crucial Conversations training

       What is a crucial conversation?

                        What is a difficult conversation?

At work, we can face many types of crucial conversations or difficult conversations:
  • When conducting an evaluation or performance assessment;
  • When you need to discuss inappropriate or disrespectful behaviour;
  • When people disagree on the way forward;
  • Upon the decision of departure of an employee;
  • When you need to announce bad news;
  • When you’re asked to comment on poor work from a colleague

This crucial conversations training will prepare you to have difficult conversations at work with better preparation, more confidence and better outcomes. With new tools, it will be easy for you to turn difficult and crucial conversations at work into great conversations that lead to positive results.

This training demands hands-on participation and practice. You’ll learn to work on real-life conversations by working through scenarios in each session.

Who for? 

Managers, Heads of department and team managers, as well as those with people management responsibilities who wish to improve their communication skills to be able to deal with difficult situations 

Anyone wishing to improve their own communication skills and change the way they address each difficult conversation 


At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Be better prepared to manage challenging or stressful conversations and possible conflict 
  • Use specific skills adapted to each situation 
  • Express more easily what we find difficult to say 
  • Transform a difficult conversation into an opportunity to improve relations at work



  • What is it that makes a conversation… difficult or crucial?
  • Challenges of communication  

Preparing for conversations

  • Tips for difficult conversations
  • Defining objective and structure
  • Context and perception
  • Real-life conversations 

Let’s talk about it !

  • Using the crucial conversations principles
  • Tactful communication: the emotions
  • Listening skills
  • Empathy

Crucial Conversations


Learn to turn difficult conversations at work into great conversations that lead to powerful results

We will never share your information with others

Here I go!!

Thank you!