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Chameleon, Company culture

Its Halloween season, and everywhere creepy decorations with ghosts and spiders have been making their appearance, both in homes and public spaces. Halloween has its origins in an ancient Celtic festival 2,000 years ago to mark the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with death. Halloween seems therefore the right moment to shed some light on how company culture can be poisonous enough to scare away your most talented people, and when this leads toSEE DETAILS


Chameleon, Company culture, Leadership

After reading so many unflattering articles on poor leadership, meagre bosses and bullying behaviour around the office lately, I got the impression the workplace is crowded with bad examples. So, just to contradict these somewhat pessimistic viewpoints I’ve decided to look into some great illustrations of leadership in the workplace. And this is how this article was born, without much thought, and immediately recognising the people that have influenced me through their behaviour as leaders and the lessons I’ve learnt from them.   Lesson 1. Presence is important I hadSEE DETAILS