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Ever wondered what small adaptations to your online courses and training delivery can bring you a higher training Return on Investment (ROI)? In this article, we will share with you how you can use online courses and LMS to supercharge your training ROI.How to make the most (impact) with the least possible financial resources?If you are working in HR, learning and people development this is a question you have surely asked before. We all have. We all want the investments we make to be worthwhile for our company, and with manySEE DETAILS


Chameleon, Company culture

Its Halloween season, and everywhere creepy decorations with ghosts and spiders have been making their appearance, both in homes and public spaces. Halloween has its origins in an ancient Celtic festival 2,000 years ago to mark the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with death. Halloween seems therefore the right moment to shed some light on how company culture can be poisonous enough to scare away your most talented people, and when this leads toSEE DETAILS



Lately, I started reading a new book that inspired me quite a bit: Le cerveau du Bonheur. One thing it reminded me of is that our brain tend to keep hold of the negative events that take place throughout our lives. These recollections are retained in our memory archives, in a similar way to a protection in case we face a comparable event.This functions as an unconscious automatism, a way for our body to warn and alert us. If you repeat the same negative event or conditions 5 years later,SEE DETAILS



Ever wondered if some habits and techniques could allow you to keep your budget on track and better capitalise on the investment you are making on people? In this article we will share with you 3 habits you can adopt to capitalise on your staff training while keeping on a minimum budget. This is the challenge we all have when working in training: how to make the most (impact) with the minimum budget? We all want the investments we make to be worthwhile for our company, and with limited budgetSEE DETAILS


Chameleon, Elearning, Learning technology

Virtual reality (VR) has become a buzzword on its own, more and more present. But what do we know concretely about it? Nowadays, virtual reality is a trend pushing many people to be actively interested in it. Many consider it a revolutionary trend that will shape the world of tomorrow.   In this article we will show you some possible applications of VR in learning, and you will see that there are many more applications than just for video games. Video games were one of the initial uses of VR,SEE DETAILS


Chameleon, Elearning, Learning and development

Some experts estimate that only around 20% of training and training related investments lead to some form of organizational benefit. This issue is commonly referred to as the “problem of training transfer”.   Why is it that such a small proportion of what was learnt during a training ends up being used back in the workplace? Well, in many cases it may not be the training per se, but the surrounding of it, the context in which the application of learning is enabled or hampered.   So how can we improveSEE DETAILS


Chameleon, Elearning, Learning and development, Learning technology

The effectiveness of hands-on learning isn’t new, and many organisations throughout the world have been making the move towards more participative learning for their staff. But what if we could challenge the world of learning even more? Shouldn’t we be striving for something that goes beyond participation and moving towards action? After all, Edison did not invent the lightbulb when trying to come up with a better candle… With learning it’s a bit the same: most of us are improving it. So today I want to challenge you to revolutioniseSEE DETAILS



The whole world has been watching the Lisbon Web Summit last week as media have been massively covering the event. Independently if you are working in the Tech industry or not, we have collected 4 insights from our participation at the Web Summit that you and your organisation should definitely know. Get inspired from these as they summarise some talks and discussions observed, and indications on future trends. 1- Interest in tech has skyrocketed Interest in tech is not only high but at its highest so far. The proof? OverSEE DETAILS



Beyond the fact of being extremely successful, many organisations make a difference by creating an exceptionally happy workforce and culture. Can happiness and successfulness be intimately related? We believe so. After working with many companies we discovered that the most successful and happy organisations share common traits.Here are some of the 6 secrets we’ve witnessed in many of the organisations we’ve worked with: 1.They look ahead (Vision and strategy)   A strong and clear vision defines and drives the activities of the entire organization and the decision-making around their everydaySEE DETAILS


Chameleon, Company culture, Leadership

After reading so many unflattering articles on poor leadership, meagre bosses and bullying behaviour around the office lately, I got the impression the workplace is crowded with bad examples. So, just to contradict these somewhat pessimistic viewpoints I’ve decided to look into some great illustrations of leadership in the workplace. And this is how this article was born, without much thought, and immediately recognising the people that have influenced me through their behaviour as leaders and the lessons I’ve learnt from them.   Lesson 1. Presence is important I hadSEE DETAILS



MAPPING OPTIONS  Here is a tool or strategy we have used with great success in some of our workshops. It’s a method which uses collaboration for problem-solving and actively engages people within your team or your organisation to follow the solutions created. SummaryThis tool follows the principle of brainstorming, i.e. generating as many ideas around a topic as possible; then developing the ideas produced into the most realistic and suitable options possible. Get the pdf version of the tool here:Number of people:Works best with a maximum of 15 and aSEE DETAILS